terça-feira, julho 21, 2009

Este estilo de disposição sintáctica das palavras provoca-me impassibilidade:

«Derrida's animuses against determinacy and control can effectively remind us, however, of how emergent within fluid linguistic and cultural practices our own distinctively conceptual-propositional consciousness is. In remind us of this, Derrida can further usefully prod and provoke us toward both new readings and new artistic work, against the grain of any master scheme for the control of culture and cultural expression. His stance here is not so far from Cleanth Brooks' emphasis on accomplished poems as structures of paradox: readable, but dense and self-revising, more dramatic than doctrinal. The poet, as Brooks puts it, "must work by contradiction and qualification" (Eldridge, R. (2003). An introduction to the philosophy of art. United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. P.140) ».

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